About Us!
Well, hello there! Welcome to XS-Stock.co.uk!
We're a family-run business nestled in the heart of Irvine, a coastal town on the Firth of Clyde in North Ayrshire, Scotland. You know, the place where it's so wet, even the ducks carry umbrellas. But don't worry, we're here to bring a bit of sunshine to your day!
Irvine, our home, is steeped in history. It was once Scotland's 12th-century military capital and one of its earliest capitals. It's been a haunt of Robert Burns, who has two streets named after him in the town. And let's not forget the rumours that Mary, Queen of Scots, stayed briefly at Seagate Castle. We even have a yearly festival, Marymass, in her honour. Plus, it's the birthplace of two former First Ministers of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon and Jack McConnell.
Our business is a bit like a double-decker bus. On the ground floor, we've got a massive discount store, right in the heart of Irvine. It's in the old B&Q building, and it's so big, you could fit a herd of T-Rexes in there, or maybe a small army of Golden Retrievers. But don't get any ideas, we've already checked, and the council says no to pet dinosaurs.
Bottom Deck:
We've been here since October 2000, selling everything but the Loch Ness Monster. We've got a big seasonal section that changes its outfit more often than a supermodel. One minute it's all sun hats and garden gnomes, next it's Halloween ghosts and ghouls, then before you know it, it's Christmas trees and tinsel. And let me tell you, we do love a bit of Halloween. We've got more costumes and decorations than Dracula's got coffins.
But all that shopping can make you as hungry as a haggis at a Burns supper. So, we've squeezed in a wee café. It's a hit with our regulars, serving up everything from hearty lunches to a nice cup of tea and a piece of cake that would make your granny jealous. Our Julie runs the shop with the general manager Hugh and the team.
Top Deck ...

Now, the top deck of our bus is our online business. And it's not just a wee side gig, oh no. We've got two massive warehouses over at Irvine's Riverside Business Park. There's over 20 of us here, picking and packing orders, answering your questions, and making sure the website doesn't have any gremlins. It's run by me, Adrian, and our E-Commerce Manager, Mark.
So, whether you're a regular, or you've just stumbled upon us, welcome to XS Stock! We're a bit like a family, if your family was slightly mad and owned a discount store. So come on in, the water's fine!
Our Details:
XS Stock - Irvine Store
85 Lamont Place
(Opposite Sainsbury's Petrol Station)
Irvine, North Ayrshire
KA12 8HD
Phone: 01294 204240
Opening Hours: 9am-6pm, 7 days
XS Stock e-Commerce & Head Office
XS-Stock.com Ltd
3 Brewster Place
Riverside Business Park
Irvine, North Ayrshire
KA11 5DD
Phone: 01294 204004
Free Phone: 0800 612 0948
Fax: 01294 270742
Email: support@xs-stock.co.uk
VAT Registration Number: 927 4640 10
Company Registration Number: SC348558